- Travel advice for your trip to Canada | Discover the World

- Travel advice for your trip to Canada | Discover the World

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COVID information for travellers within Canada.Canada (YVR, YYZ) Travel Rules and Requirements 

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International destinations may have different requirements. For example, if your child's 12th birthday is in January, they can travel in January through April without providing proof of vaccination or a test result. In May, they would need proof of vaccination.

Vaccination is required for travel within and out of Canada. Passengers from small or remote communities will still be able to obtain essential services for their medical, health or social well-being, and return safely to their homes. Essential medical care refers to booked appointments to receive medical services that are important to saving lives and improving health outcomes. Travellers should check with their air carrier s to ensure that they can meet the requirements for:.

Operators will only be authorized to apply this authority, however, when there is an immediate threat to the safety of the traveller. Personal emergency and urgent travel will not be considered. Travellers are able to submit applications under the domestic National Interest Exemption Program at least 3 weeks before your travel dates. Travellers that are unable to be vaccinated for medical reasons, such as a specific confirmed allergy, may be eligible for an exemption to the vaccine requirement.

Leaders and members of a number of religions and religious denominations have released public statements indicating their support for the COVID vaccine specifically in the interest of public health.

These include:. In addition, a number of provincial human rights commissions have taken the position that objection to vaccination for personal reasons is not a protected ground under their respective Code and does not need to be accommodated. Applications for sincere religious beliefs may be considered on a case-by-case basis. Your request to your airline, railway, or cruise line must clearly demonstrate your sincere religious belief, how it prevents you from being vaccinated, and be signed by a Commissioner of Oaths.

Get more information and apply for the exemption. Travellers who qualify for an exemption will also need to have a valid COVID test result before boarding a flight or train. False claims are an offence under the Criminal Code and false declaration could be subject to Transport Canada fines. If you don't qualify as fully vaccinated and you qualify for one of the limited exemptions that require a valid test result, you must provide proof of one of the following accepted types of test results:.

It's your responsibility to book, pay for and get the results of your test prior to boarding your flight or train. Your antigen test must be administered or supervised by a testing provider, pharmacy, telehealth service, laboratory or healthcare entity. In addition to the vaccination requirement, all existing mandatory pre-boarding and health requirements for passengers remain in place.

This includes health check questions, and wearing masks inside airports and rail terminals, and while on board planes and trains. All passengers must wear a mask throughout their entire travel journey except for brief periods while eating, drinking, or taking oral medication, or unless otherwise exempt.

Some of these exemptions include:. Your proof of vaccination doesn't guarantee you entry to another country. Before you travel, you must check the rules of your destination country and the countries you transit through:.

You won't be allowed to board unless you present a medical certificate confirming that your symptoms aren't related to COVID Travellers entering Canada, regardless of citizenship, must follow all requirements to keep everyone safe.

Foreign nationals who don't qualify as fully vaccinated will only be allowed to enter in specific circumstances:. You will not receive a reply. If your mask or face covering becomes damp or wet, you are encouraged to replace it with a dry one. A reusable mask that is damp or dirty can be put into a plastic bag until it can be safely laundered. During recreational boating season, it is important to stay diligent or stay home to limit the spread of COVID If you do go out on the water, follow your provincial or territorial guidelines , as well as direction provided by local or regional health authorities.

Guidance has been developed for the use of pleasure craft in Canadian waters and should be considered alongside provincial, territorial and local measures to ensure the safety of everyone on the water.

You should wear a mask or face covering that covers your mouth and nose while you are travelling. All rail travellers should wear a mask or face covering that covers their mouth and nose while they are travelling, especially in situations where physical distancing guidelines cannot be maintained.

For the most part, public transit is the responsibility of the provincial or municipal governments. Please visit their websites for more information. GO Transit Safety Measures. Saint John Transit Newsroom. Some of the information on this page has been provided by external sources. The Government of Canada is not responsible for the accuracy, reliability or currency of the information supplied by external sources. Users wishing to rely upon this information should consult directly with the source of the information.

Content provided by external sources is not subject to official languages, privacy and accessibility requirements. Transport Canada is committed to respecting your privacy. The purpose of this Privacy Notice Statement is to outline how Transport Canada will handle the collection, use, disclosure, retention, protection and processing of personal information of passengers and crew in the federally regulated air, rail and marine sectors in the context of the mandatory vaccination requirements under applicable orders, in compliance with its obligations under the federal Privacy Act , the Privacy Regulations, and in accordance with applicable policies, directives and guidelines of the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat TBS.

Please refer to section 3 of the Privacy Act for details regarding personal information. Mandatory vaccination requirements apply to all passengers, crew and other designated persons in federally regulated air, rail and marine sectors, with very limited exceptions, and require them to be fully vaccinated against COVID Vaccination is one of the most effective tools available to protect against the health and safety impacts of the COVID global pandemic on the transportation sector.

The collection of information on passenger travel and denial of boarding related to COVID vaccination, combined with other preventative public health measures adopted by Transport Canada, helps ensure the best available protection for Canadians travelling, working, or otherwise involved in the transportation system.

Transport Canada is responsible for operationalizing the vaccine mandate for the transportation sector, and oversees compliance with the mandate through inspections and other enforcement tools. Below you will find more information on how personal information is handled in this context for each transportation mode.

The authority to issue Interim Orders is pursuant to sections 4. Air passengers departing from airports in Canada, crew members, employees working in restricted areas who are not boarding flights , aerodrome operators, and employees of federally-regulated transportation companies, or any class of individual listed in the applicable Interim Order Respecting Certain Requirements for Civil Aviation Due to COVID Transport Canada may collect personal information for the purposes of monitoring and auditing compliance with Interim Orders and related enforcement activities, for example, during instances of non-compliance by those subject to the applicable the Interim Order requirements.

To comply with the Interim Order requirements, air carriers and federally-regulated operators and screening authorities will document when an individual is denied boarding or denied entry into the restricted area of the airport based on the Interim Order requirements and notify Transport Canada of such incidents. Furthermore, as required under the Interim Order, if an air carrier or the screening authority has reason to believe that a person has provided a confirmation or evidence related to the Interim Order that is likely to be false or misleading, they must notify Transport Canada and provide information to Transport Canada if requested.

To follow-up on these reports, Transport Canada may request a copy of the record under its oversight and compliance program as outlined in the Aeronautics Act and the applicable Interim Order.

The information to be provided to Transport Canada, at the time of notification or upon request, may include personal information, such as, but not limited to:. Transport Canada may use this personal information to monitor, assess and enforce regulations, including, in certain cases, to impose monetary penalties, to protect public safety under the Aeronautics Act and its applicable Interim Orders. This personal information may be disclosed to other federal institutions where authorized by law.

Personal information may also be used in depersonalized reports for monitoring and statistical purposes as well as various related administrative functions.

All documentation and personal information provided in this context and for the purposes of audit and enforcement by Transport Canada will be retained for a period which will be determined and communicated on this page when available.

The full text of this PIB is currently being modified to include the activities mentioned above. Transport Canada may collect personal information pursuant to section Rail passengers on VIA Rail, AMTRAK, and Rocky Mountaineer trains, as well as employees of federally-regulated railway companies who have been identified in the course of inspection or enforcement of the requirements under the applicable Ministerial Order.

Transport Canada may collect personal information for the purposes of inspection and enforcement activities to verify compliance with the Railway Safety Act and its applicable Ministerial Orders. Furthermore, as required under Ministerial Orders, if a railway company has reason to believe that a person has provided a confirmation or evidence that is likely to be false or misleading, they must notify and may provide information to Transport Canada, if requested.

Transport Canada may use personal information to monitor, assess and enforce regulations to protect public safety under the Rail Safety Act and its applicable Ministerial Orders. The collection, use, and disclosure of personal information will be further described in a personal information bank which is currently under development. Transport Canada may collect personal information for the purposes of audit and enforcement activities to comply with the Canada Shipping Act, and its applicable Interim Orders.


Do you need a pcr test to travel within canada. COVID-19 and travel: What you should know


However, there is a limited service for COVID tests in the international zone running on Sundays, Mondays, and Thursdays morning as well as Wednesdays all day, appointments must be booked online. Results should be available in the afternoon if you have taken the test in the morning, so plan your transit accordingly. If you do not have any checked-in luggage, carry-on luggage will be allowed.

Fully vaccinated Canadians travelling though CDG can be admitted to France and then get tested in the free zone of the airport. Appointments must be booked online. Luggage must be checked in all the way through to Canada.

The Government of Canada no longer recommends that Canadians avoid travel for non-essential purposes. To board a plane from a Canadian airport , you must be fully vaccinated if you are 12 years of age plus 4 months, or older. In order for their vaccination schedule to be considered complete, individuals age 18 or more wishing to travel to France must have received a booster shot of messenger RNA vaccine that is less than 9 months.

If you receive a booster, it will be valid in France 7 days after the injection and if it was received in less than 9 months. It is important to make sure you have valid documentation concerning vaccination before you travel to France. You do not have to apply for a valid QR code when you arrive in France at this time. If you need to take a Covid test while in France, you will be able to identify a provider or lab on this website or make an appointment directly on Doctolib.

For Monaco, check the official website of the Principality of Monaco. For information on registering your vaccination records with your province or territory of residence, or to request a COVID proof of vaccination , please contact your province or territory. Upon your arrival in Canada, you will be subject to provincial or territorial restrictions or requirements which differ in each province and territory. Some provinces and territories have created a secure proof of vaccination document that allows holders who are fully vaccinated to access non-essential services within their province or territory of residence.

Note that some provinces and territories may accept foreign proof of vaccination as being valid documentation. Such proof may be required for activities like going to restaurants and sporting events. Travellers can continue to use their provincial proof of vaccination if their province or territory is not yet issuing the Canadian COVID proof of vaccination, but should monitor COVID Proof of vaccination in Canada for updates.

They should, as always, check requirements of their destination country, transit points and airlines, before booking their trip. If travellers experience issues with their Canadian COVID proof of vaccination, such as errors or the loss of their proof, please contact your province or territory for support.

Canadian government offices abroad do not provide medical services including vaccination or cover medical expenses for Canadian citizens outside of Canada. The Government of Canada does not supply vaccines for Canadians abroad, administer them, or ensure that the administration by a third party would meet Canadian standards.

Health Canada is the federal authority responsible for authorizing vaccines and for making sure there are enough vaccines for everyone in Canada. If you are considering getting vaccinated abroad, consult the list of vaccines approved by Health Canada. The Embassy of Canada in Paris cannot provide advice as to whether or not you should be vaccinated in France, Monaco or overseas territories.

Note: In France and overseas territories, it is possible to register to be vaccinated, even if someone is not registered with French social security and does not have a card carte vitale. Vaccination centres are aware of this procedure and the full text is available online French only.

The text confirms that the vaccine is free of charge for residents of France without a social security number. You will not receive an invitation letter and you will have to contact your local doctor to obtain a prescription in respect of eligibility and of your health conditions. Proof of vaccination does not exempt you from complying with travel restrictions and formalities in place. As a foreign traveller in France, you should have travel health insurance during your stay abroad.

As a Canadian citizen, you are able to receive treatment in France. To find a general practitioner, specialist or hospital in France, please check the French Health Insurance directory or refer to the list of Medical doctors, Health care practitioners and hospitals on this site.

Once you return to Canada, you will be able to claim some expenses to your provincial health insurance. If you receive a suspicious email, please verify the sender. Our messages to Canadians abroad are sent from either sos international. If you receive a suspicious phone call, do not provide any financial information. Contact the nearest Canadian embassy or consulate to verify that the caller is legitimate. Skip to main content Skip to primary navigation.

Breadcrumb Home. Question 7 - What is the status of flights to Canada from France? Question 13 - I think I was contacted by a scammer. What should I do? Question 6 — What are the travel restrictions if I am a Canadian travelling to Canada from France or from another foreign country? However, travellers should understand the risks that are still associated with international travel and take necessary precautions.

Easing of borders measures for travel to Canada: pre-entry tests are no longer required for fully vaccinated travellers entering Canada by land, air or water. Check if you qualify as a fully vaccinated traveller. If you reside abroad, prepare your return ahead and consult the requirements to board a flight in Canada.

If you are planning to travel to Canada, please refer to: COVID Travel, testing and borders COVID vaccinated travellers entering Canada Check if you qualify as a fully vaccinated traveller Checklists for requirements and exemptions Check the Travel Advice and Advisories of your current location or destination for more country-specific information. ArriveCan Before travelling to Canada, travellers must provide relevant information, including travel and contact information and quarantine plan through the ArriveCAN mobile app.

If the local authority proof is not in English or French, the client will be required to provide a certified translation. To be eligible for these exemptions, fully vaccinated travellers must: be asymptomatic submit all required COVID information electronically into ArriveCAN mobile app prior to travel to Canada have a paper or digital copy of their proof of vaccination which states the number of shots you've received If already recovered, bring your proof of prior positive molecular test test must be of more than 10 days and less than days Travellers can receive their vaccine in any country but must provide a certified translation confirming their vaccination status which states the number of shots you've received if proof of vaccination is not provided in English or French.

Testing requirements Pre-entry tests are no longer required for fully vaccinated travellers entering Canada by land, air or water. Non fully vaccinated travellers For partially or unvaccinated travellers who are allowed to travel to Canada, pre-entry testing requirements remain mandatory.

If you need to do testing in France, you can: identify a service provider In French only , or make an appointment In French only Children or dependents See the latest information for unvaccinated or not fully vaccinated children under 12 years of age, youth aged 12 to 17 years of age, and unvaccinated adult dependents at COVID vaccinated travellers entering Canada.

Quarantine plan Unvaccinated travellers must quarantine when they arrive in Canada. Fully vaccinated travellers are no longer required to provide a quarantine plan upon entry. Question 7 — What is the status of flights to Canada from France? If you are planning to travel to Canada, please refer to: COVID Travel, testing and borders COVID vaccinated travellers entering Canada Check if you qualify as a fully vaccinated traveller It is up to the traveller to contact the airline for information in relation to any modifications of your travel documents, and what conditions apply i.

Make sure you have proof of your ongoing travel to Canada flight ticket, booking confirmation. Travel to Canada Upon your arrival in Canada, you will be subject to provincial or territorial restrictions or requirements which differ in each province and territory. We have received reports of scams that may be targeting Canadians abroad. Footer Date Modified: Top of Page. Here are the easy steps that you can follow:. Input your Booking reference and Last Name to retrieve your booking.

Click 'Modify Travellers Details'. Update your mobile number, email address and click 'Continue'. Please check latest updates from your country of destination. Travel Restrictions. As of January 28, , In advance of your upcoming travel to Canada, we wanted to provide you with some important information about the current travel restrictions and what you can expect upon arrival to Canada.

The different measures to travel to Canada by air are outlined below. It is important to note that many restrictions are still in place, even for fully vaccinated travellers. Requirements to Travel to Canada:.

All travellers should also be prepared to be tested for COVID on-arrival and be prepared to quarantine. Latest Government of Canada travel requirements for flying into the country:.

Other domestic travel in the national interest will be administered by Transport Canada. There will also be special accommodation for remote passengers so they can access essential services. The following requirements for exemptions will not apply to travel from remote airports. Remote passengers who are unvaccinated and do not have a valid-COVID 19 molecular test will be provided molecular self-test kits at specified gateway airports as an interim measure. For additional information regarding the management of passengers coming from and going to remote communities, and the list of gateway airports, please refer to the guidance documents provided on this subject.

For more information, visit the www. As announced by the Government of Canada, as of October 30, , all travelers 12 years and 4 months of age and older that are departing a Canadian Airport, for travel within Canada or abroad, must be fully vaccinated in order to enter the restricted area of an airport and subsequently to board their flight, with limited exceptions.

Proof of vaccination will be required during your travel journey, so be sure to have your documentation readily available.

The documentation can be digital or in a paper form; however, you are encouraged to have a paper copy as a back-up to your digital proof. If you do not have proof of vaccination you risk being denied boarding. Very limited exemptions to vaccination will be allowed for travel within and out of Canada, of which the following will be administered by operators:.

Passengers will be responsible to submit to the airline a completed exemption form. A high-level summary of information on exemptions for passengers will be located on this webpage:. Travelers who knowingly provide false or misleading information may be subject to a monetary penalty.

Effective October 30, travellers will need to be fully vaccinated in order to board. Specifically, the vaccination requirement will apply to all travellers 12 years of age and older who are:. Therefore, you should expect to undergo testing at the airport. List of airports and pre-registration links. Mandatory COVID vaccination requirements for federally regulated transportation employees and travelers.

To be considered fully vaccinated:. The last dosage must have been administered at least 14 days prior to entering Canada. The traveller must submit their PVC digitally through ArriveCAN prior to boarding their flight or prior to arrival at a land border crossing. The traveller is still required to have a paper or electronic copy of their PVC in English, French or a certified translation to share with the Border Services Officer.

Fully vaccinated travellers are still required to:. Have a pre-entry molecular COVID negative test result taken within 72 hours of the scheduled departure or positive test result taken on a sample between 14 and days before the scheduled departure. Antigen tests are not accepted. Have a valid quarantine plan in case the Border Services Officer deems them to be required to quarantine.

Wear a mask during their air travel journey. Be asymptomatic. Follow any additional public health direction from officials, including wearing a mask in public for 14 days and keeping a list of contacts. However, they are still subject to random day-1 arrival testing selected and assigned by CBSA.

All arriving passengers, aged five or older, including Canadian citizens, permanent residents of Canada, and persons registered as Indian under the Indian Act, traveling to Canada are required to:. This health requirement along with other required documents must be presented upon check-in at the airport. Travelers who provide a proof of positive test result taken between days before departure to Canada in lieu of a negative test will be exempt from testing upon arrival and during quarantine.

They must still quarantine for 14 days at a suitable place of quarantine. You may qualify for certain exemptions to quarantine and testing requirements if you:. Passengers may be denied boarding for failure to provide the required Covid test result. Required Forms. This feature allows travellers to enter travel document and proof of vaccine PVC information once, to be reused on subsequent trips.

Click this link to download the form. This version of the form should only be used starting at EDT or UTC on September 7, , following the coming into force of the new Order-in-Council provisions.

Other Requirements. Other Information. The CBSA uses the prescribed information to identify persons who may pose a threat to Canada's safety or security. For travelers coming to Canada, these persons may be subject to investigation, and may undergo closer questioning or examination upon arrival. The CBSA also uses the prescribed information to validate, prior to departure, that all incoming air travelers hold a prescribed document to enter Canada or are exempt from that requirement, or are a prescribed person.

For departing travelers, the CBSA will use advance exit information only to better identify high-risk persons and goods that depart, or intend to depart, Canada. CBSA entry and exit records may be shared with other government departments for immigration, social benefits or law enforcement purposes.

All travelers may request a copy of the prescribed entry and exit information provided about them by making a request in writing to the CBSA. Travel Advisory. This prohibition further applies to operations of aircraft involved in private and charter air service. Promo Fares. Mabuhay Miles. Contact Us. Unvaccinated children under twelve 12 years old, travelling with fully vaccinated adults, will continue to be exempt from quarantine, without any prescribed conditions limiting their activities; they no longer need to wait fourteen 14 days before attending school, camp or daycare.

Unvaccinated travellers eligible to enter Canada will continue to be required to test on arrival, on Day 8 and quarantine for fourteen 14 days. Requirements to Travel to Canada: Be symptom-free of COVID; Have received a full series of a vaccine or a combination of vaccines accepted by the Government of Canada at least 14 days prior to entering Canada unless exempt from requirement ; Provide electronic or printed documentation prior to departure showing they are in possession of a valid COVID molecular test result for those who are 5 years of age or older ; Wear a mask at all times throughout their entire travel journey; Digitally submit, within 72 hours before their flight unless exempt , their travel information, travel history, contact information, suitable quarantine plan, and proof of vaccination if applicable using ArriveCAN.



Do you need a pcr test to travel within canada. Travel advice for your trip to Canada

    Discover more. You may also need to seek treatment there. Allowed Travelers.


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